Shoulder Press


Shoulder Press

This dude is kinda strong. This is not his first time pressing, so please take tomorrow as a baseline for the rest of the year 🙂

It has been a tough week so far. To balance out all the reps we are going to be performing a 3 Rep Shoulder Press. As we have been experiencing with our lifting days the day will progress with eyes on for all lifts. Because of the simplicity of the movement, we need not spend hours going over the movement. However, endeavor to do less better as you progress towards your final lift of the day.

Also, after the shoulder press we will have ample time to take care of our soft tissues, and discuss what we can do individually with our own aches. We can feel great even if we did little old fran on monday.

WOD- Shoulder Press

3 Rep


Mobility- Spend 20 minutes with a lacrosse ball, PVC roller, and floss band.