Athlete of the Month: Kayla Schmidt


Athlete of the Month: Kayla Schmidt

This one’s for all the moms, and seeing as I am not one I will let Kayla start this off with a little note to the world:

The first time I was pregnant and crossfitting, I was constantly told that it was “not safe” to continue working out by aquaintances, family, friends, and even strangers. It made me nervous at times, but I trusted myself and my knowledge and continued. Low and behold I gave birth to a very healthy baby girl. Now that this is my second go at being a pregnant crossfitter, I am confident in my abilities and once again in myself. It has helped me keep up my energy levels despite working full-time and chasing around a two year old on top of that. I love to come in, see smiling and encouraging faces, and safely complete workouts knowing that I am taking care of not only myself, but another little girl that will be lucky enough to grow up in this SAV-UP community. -KS

“I kept Moving” -KS

This being her second pregnancy I really wanted to know the details of what it is like to be pregnant and do what we do. Spoiler alert I already knew the story, and I have to admit I felt like an idiot asking the wrong questions. “Would you get nauseous?” “Yes.” “Would you feel like throwing up?” “Of course.” “What’d you do?” “I kept moving!”

Ok then! That’s sounds about right, but I felt the all too natural awkward urge to legitimize my questions. How I had seen her come in everyday with a smile on her face, and have a great time. Also, how I had seen her crush workouts and basically teach me how to scale for pregnancy. I did my research, but she did hers too! Mostly though it was because I saw her do something that made me double take.

23 Weeks, Fran Rx

Maybe I’m getting a little wimpy, but if I felt like throwing up: I would not do Fran. She did though. Not to put a video on social media and start a controversy, but because she’s a human being. That’s what we do. She is a leader. Not just to future mothers, but to everyone who has had the internal dialogue between their negative outlook, and their discipline.

It is so simple, and when we start to get a little too comfortable we forget how simple it can be. Get in, do the workout, and then take care of you and yours. Our times, and scores do not define us. They represent us in the moment. It’s not always going be perfect. Maybe it’s pregnancy, or an injury, or a bad day. Whatever it is, Kayla represents the mindset that getting to the gym with a good attitude defines us more than our numbers.

You wanna know what time she got on Fran? Ask her 😉

“My first day back was a partner mile sled push. It was with Paul actually. I felt bad for him.” -KS

I didn’t ask if she felt bad for Paul because he couldn’t keep up, or because she was slowing him down. I’ll leave that for Paul and Kayla.

The day of her return was the same day that she got cleared by her Doc. To put the icing on the cake, she came back strong. I’m sure it was difficult, but she didn’t seem to mind. Also, there was a new little athlete coming with her everyday to keep her company. Now, almost 3 years later, she’s doing it better. Better prepared for the nutrition prep, scaling prep, and everything outside the gym. Her discipline has set her up for success, and made things easier in the long run. Thank you for your leadership Kayla!

Again, this one is for all the moms! You are impressive beyond my comprehension.


If your still wondering,  “Is doing CrossFit during pregnancy safe?” Just ask one of our 4 athletes who are currently pregnant and defining what it means to “sav-up” every day!

Sav up,
